The launch of a research project to improve the energy efficiency of production processes, reduce…
On February 26, 2022, the newspaper “La Repubblica” featured Altair Chimica prominently in the lead article titled “Multinationals Choose DIY to Fight High Utility Bills.”
The article discusses the investments that various Italian companies and multinationals have made to ensure their autonomous energy supply.
The new General Manager of the Chemical Division of the Esseco Group, Eng. Roberto Vagheggi, outlined Altair Chimica’s goals in this area. With an energy requirement of 40 Megawatts, the company currently self-produces 30 Megawatts, divided as follows: 16MW from the hydroelectric plants in Ceppo Morelli and Megolo; 5MW generated from sulfur to produce steam and heat (without CO2 emissions); 7MW from three cogenerators that use emissions to generate potassium carbonate; and 2MW from hydrogen recovered in the production cycle.
To ensure total energy self-sufficiency, Altair Chimica will invest an additional 30 million euros (in addition to the 65 million already dedicated in recent years to the theme of energy self-sufficiency) in photovoltaic parks not adjacent to plants that will cover the remaining 10MW.
“For us, the ‘Energy’ theme, along with technological leadership, is the strategic factor to determine the future of the company and to keep it competitive and sustainable while staying in Italy and Europe,” concluded Roberto Vagheggi.
To read the full italian article: La Repubblica – Pannelli solari, acqua e biomasse. Le aziende scelgono il fai-da-te per combattere il caro-bollette