The launch of a research project to improve the energy efficiency of production processes, reduce…

In relation to the excellent managerial performance of the 2018 financial statements (the last available for analysis), Altair Chimica was chosen among the best Italian companies by the Scientific Committee of Industria Felix, which met at the Luiss Guido Carli University in Rome, according to an objective financial statement algorithm and for financial reliability compared to the Cerved Group Score, the index of the most important rating agency in Italy by number of cases processed.
The selection was made through a journalistic inquiry by the national quarterly of economics and finance Industria Felix Magazine (supplement to Il Sole 24 Ore) and was carried out in collaboration with the Cerved Group’s study office in collaboration with the Luiss Guido Carli University, under the national patronage of Confindustria and media partnerships with Ansa and Il Sole 24 Ore.
Therefore, on the occasion of the 1st edition of the “Industria Felix – Tuscany that Competes” Award, on Wednesday, June 25, 2020, Altair Chimica will be awarded a High Financial Honor as the best Large Enterprise in the province of Pisa for managerial performance and financial reliability.
Industria Felix Magazine organizes networking events for SMEs and large companies dedicated to financial economic information, during which the best managerial performances and those associated with the financial reliability of small, medium, and large companies are recognized by sector at the regional level (High Financial Honors).
In relation to this important recognition, the CEO of Altair Chimica, Eng. Roberto Vagheggi, stated: “It is with enormous satisfaction that we learn of this very positive judgment, from such an illustrious group. It is an exceptional result for our company, which in 10 years has tripled in terms of turnover, volumes sold, and margins realized. This result was possible thanks to the great dedication of all our employees and collaborators, whom I want to sincerely thank and embrace virtually (unfortunately, due to Coronavirus).
We are realizing a little great dream, turning the ugly duckling into a beautiful swan. We have managed to improve our overall performance, paying the utmost attention to safety, the environment, energy saving, the global sustainability of the business, without neglecting any of our stakeholders: from employees and collaborators to customers and suppliers, from shareholders to the citizenship and local authorities. All this was possible through a series of structural investments, which have changed the face of our company: we have invested in self-production of energy from renewable sources or with very high efficiency plants, we have invested in the reuse of CO2, of hydrogen; we have invested in circular economy projects, in R&D, in Smart Factory and Industry 4.0.
In short, this success did not come by miracle-luck-good fortune, but thanks to the will to transform good ideas into new products, new technologies, new processes. Thanks to everyone, inside and outside the company, who made it possible.