The launch of a research project to improve the energy efficiency of production processes, reduce…
Among the numerous certifications in the areas of quality, safety, and employee health, as well as environmental and energy aspects, there is also the evaluation for eco-sustainability called EcoVadis. With the latest assessment update, Altair Chimica has achieved an overall score above 70/100, placing it among the top 5% of the best-rated companies by this international platform specializing in Corporate Social Responsibility ratings, starting from April 2023.
What is EcoVadis?
Founded in Paris in 2007, EcoVadis is a private international platform for eco-sustainability ratings. It has grown to include a global network of over 100,000 evaluated companies worldwide and is also required by companies such as Johnson & Johnson, Nestlé, UPM, L’Oréal, RFI, and Coca-Cola to assess their supplier packages. EcoVadis aims to create a value chain, a global network where companies of all sizes and sectors can find partners who demonstrate a genuine commitment to socio-ecological sustainability.
How does EcoVadis work?
EcoVadis allows certification to be requested through a short preliminary questionnaire, which determines the industry sector and company size. Based on these initial factors, the system generates a customized assessment model approved by an international scientific committee. It is based on globally recognized standards such as the Global Reporting Initiative, the United Nations Global Compact, and ISO 26000. The model analyzes 21 sustainability criteria divided into four framework areas: environment, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. To do this, company documents, information obtained from third parties (such as brands and certifications), watchlists, databases, and external information such as news and articles are considered. The company’s reputation is effectively monitored through an artificial intelligence system, and the information is processed to provide the EcoVadis Scorecard.
The Scorecard allows a detailed observation of the scores obtained in each of the four sustainability areas, along with a more detailed report dedicated to CO2, thus showing the company’s strengths and areas for improvement.
What does it mean to receive the EcoVadis evaluation?
At the end of the assessment, the platform allows reporting and tracking of performance and improvements, sharing each parameter in real-time. EcoVadis-certified companies become part of a virtuous system of sharing and monitoring eco-sustainability, enabling their customers and suppliers to choose business partners who are aware of their environmental and social impact and committed to working for the common good.
Altair Chimica and sustainability
Over the years, Altair Chimica has anticipated the enforcement of national and European regulations, transitioning towards a green approach from both environmental and energy perspectives to reduce the impact of its production processes. In 2005, it entered into a program agreement to phase out mercury amalgam production cycles. In 2010, it initiated a plant optimization program to increase overall capacity by investing in its facilities. Since 2015, Altair Chimica has been using electricity, high-pressure steam, hot water, and CO2 from a highly efficient cogeneration plant for its electrolysis process.
The commitment to reducing energy consumption has continued to the present day. In 2018, photovoltaic systems were installed on all the roofs of the plant to generate renewable “green” energy. In 2019, Altair Chimica acquired Hydrochem Italia, a subsidiary that utilizes electricity produced by two hydroelectric power plants for its needs. A second cogenerator was installed in Saline di Volterra in 2020, aiming to recover as much as possible from the methane (CH4) resource used, with overall efficiencies close to the maximum theoretical value, around 90%. In 2022, Altair Chimica signed one of the first Corporate Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) in Italy, a long-term agreement that allows the company to purchase “green” electricity from large photovoltaic plants based in Lazio. All these steps have enabled Altair Chimica to already cover over 50% of its electricity demand with renewable energy. Furthermore, new projects, including wind energy utilization, are already in advanced stages of development.
Sustainability encompasses not only the environment but also those who live in it and future generations. That’s why Altair Chimica has initiated a project in Saline di Volterra to utilize sodium brine from underground and geothermal resources for the production of electricity and heat, with significant investments also from the municipality and the region, which are strategic partners in this project for the benefit of the environment and the population.
For Altair Chimica, eco-social sustainability has always been the driving force behind its choices and innovations. Successfully achieving this evaluation and entering the top 5% of the best-rated companies, earning the EcoVadis Gold Medal, not only confirms the work and value of the investments made but also makes the company more aware of the areas where further improvements can be made.