The launch of a research project to improve the energy efficiency of production processes, reduce…

R&D Project Aimed at the Energy Efficiency of Corporate Production Processes and the Establishment from GREEN FIELD of Production Plants for Solid Potassium Hydroxide, Epichlorohydrin, Acrylic Acid, and Potassium Sulfate.
Despite the delays caused by the health emergency, the GREEN FIELD PEAS project, which we discussed in this article, successfully concluded in December 2020 with the commissioning of the two pilot plants and the enhancement of the electrolysis lines in an ‘Industry 4.0’ perspective.
This project has allowed for the use of hydrogen instead of methane gas, increasing the environmental sustainability of the company; furthermore, it has led Altair Chimica to produce solid potassium hydroxide, the only plant of its kind at the national level.
The GREEN FIELD PEAS project, carried out in collaboration with the National Research Council, Institute of Organometallic Compounds Chemistry (CNR-ICCOM) in Florence and the University of Chemical Engineering in Pisa, has been mentioned among the successful projects of CNR-ICCOM.
The collaboration with UNIPI, Department of Industrial Engineering and Chemistry (DICI), also resulted in an international publication: ‘Optimally managing chemical plant operations: an example oriented by Industry 4.0 paradigms’ (M. Vaccari, R. Bacci di Capaci, E. Brunazzi, L. Tognotti, P. Pierno, R. Vagheggi, G. Pannocchia in Proceedings of the 21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin, 2020).